EQ Learnt 101

This course is totally free, but we are at least a little curious to see who is using the course, and also be able to get in touch to ask how you've received the course, whether it's been beneficial, and what we could do to improve the course and therefore your learning. All we ask is that you sign up with your email, and all the 101 content is yours...

Introducing the key themes of Emotional Intelligence development

In this free course, we guide you through the key areas of Emotional Intelligence, drawing attention to the main development focuses that you can apply attention and effort towards to increase your skill in interpreting, managing and applying emotion to enhance your work and life.

Sean Grey 4iGroup

Understanding Emotional Intelligence
Sean Grey 4iGroup

Self Awareness
Sean Grey 4iGroup

Situational Sensing
Sean Grey 4iGroup

Social Expertness
Sean Grey 4iGroup

Personal Influence
Tim Collings